
Launching of AI Short Course Training

Launching of AI Short Course Training at Artificial Intelligence Lab, the College of Informatics and Virtual Education, the University of Dodoma, Dodoma, Tanzania on 18th July 2022


The AI4D Africa’s Anglophone Research Lab launched AI Short Course Training at Artificial Intelligence Lab at the College of Informatics and Virtual Education, the University of Dodoma, Dodoma, Tanzania on 18th July 2022. The training features three topics, Responsible AI, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning. This training started on 18th July 2022 and will end on 29th July 2022.

This two-week training was officially launched by Prof. Ambrose Theobald Kessy (Directorate of Research, Publications and Consultancy (DRPC)) of the University of Dodoma. The launching of training was also attended by Mr. Essa Mohamedali from Tanzania AI Lab, Dr. Mohamedi M. Mjahidi (Lab and Training Coordinator), Dr. Jabhera Matogoro (Coordinator - Infrastructure and Data Ecosystem) and Mr. Salim Diwani (Coordinator - Healthcare) The launching of the training was also The training includes student and non-student participants. The students’ participants are from different universities such as UDOM, NM-AIST, UDSM, MUST and include Ph.D., masters and undergraduate students. The non-student participants are from different occupations including researchers, instructors, stakeholders, AI enthusiasts, etc.